stick this hackjob of a function in your head tag and call it at the end of your document.
function fixEditorButtons() {
// rewire rich text editor buttons to popup source view RTE window in content mode
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("A");
if(anchors.length == 0)
var rteArray = new Array();
// gather up the rich text editor edit buttons
for(var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) {
if(anchors[i].attributes.getNamedItem("title") != null) {
if(anchors[i].attributes.getNamedItem("title").value == "Edit Content") {
rteArray.push(anchors[i]); }}}
for(var i = 0; i < rteArray.length; i++)
var oEditButton = rteArray[i];
// grab the code as SP created it
var code = new String(oEditButton.onclick);
// snag the control name of the RTE current display control
var controlnameBeginIndex = + 27;
var temp = code.substring(controlnameBeginIndex);
var controlnameEndIndex =\'/);
var controlName = temp.substring(0,controlnameEndIndex) + "_displayContent";
// find where we need to insert our additional code that creates the popup window
var insertPoint = - 67;
// build new code, start with old code
var newcode = code.substring(0,insertPoint);
newcode += "RTE2_SaveHtmlStateIfChanged('" + controlName + "');";
newcode += "var instanceVariables=RTE_GetEditorInstanceVariables('"+ controlName +"');";
newcode += "RTE2_LaunchEditor( instanceVariables.aSettings, instanceVariables.clientId,,,, instanceVariables.webUrl,
'True', false,true);";
newcode += code.substring(insertPoint);
rteArray[i].onclick =
Function(newcode.slice(20,newcode.length - 1));